A Lot Of People Are Gifted But Jesus Didn’t Say By Their Gift You Shall Know Them — Benny Hinn

A Lot Of People Are Gifted But Jesus Didn’t Say By Their Gift You Shall Know Them — Benny Hinn.

In a video message shared on his official Facebook page, Pastor Benny Hinn, the founder and presiding Pastor of Benny Hinn Ministries based in Texas, emphasizes the significance of believers having a life deeply rooted in the Lord Jesus Christ, rather than solely relying on the gift of God.

The Man of God claims that he revealed this in his remarks from 0:01 to 0:33 in the video: “Many individuals have gifts, but Jesus didn’t say you would know them by their gifts; rather, you will know them by their fruits. What kind of fruit is it? The fruit is none other than the Lord Jesus Christ. A believer’s life is a reflection of the Lord Himself. Therefore, the Lord Jesus Christ shines through everyone who believes in him or her.

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As revealed by the cleric; ” The Lord would shine through their life and you would be able to see an exemplary life as the Lord’s. The only way through which you can do that is to surrender to the Lord. The Christian life is not about trying, neither is it about trying harder but rather, it is about yielding and abiding. As a believer, if you are to abide in the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord himself says this in the scriptures that if you abide in me, I also I am in you”.

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