3 Lessons To Learn From Jesus And The Tax Collector

He ran ahead and climbed the Sycamore tree.
Zaccheus was a rich, short man that desired to see Jesus. He saw that Jesus was passing that way and he ran ahead to see Him. What sort of rich man climbs a tree? What sought of sinner seeks to see Jesus? Would you climb a tree just to see Jesus if you were rich? Are you too busy for God? Are you too rich to wake and pray at night? Do you find yourself too busy to go to church? Oh, when you were looking for a job, a spouse, children even visa, you used to worship God every midnight, but now He has answered your prayers, you have forgotten or gotten too “rich” to climb the tree. If you find yourself in this situation, now is the time to turn back to Him. Jesus is always passing by. Don’t procrastinate, ask for His forgiveness and begin to pray for the Grace to fellowship with Him.

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2. He has gone to be the guest of a sinner.
The way the world thinks and the way God thinks isn’t the same. He who the world calls a deep sinner can be the next convert in the eyes of God. Let your minds think along the thoughts of God. Don’t be envious when you see a “sinner” make progress in life and begin to compare yourself to the person. Don’t be vexed when you see a sinner become a Christian and begins to have encounters, visions and miracles you have been dreaming to have. He is the potter and we are the clay, let the potter decide what He wants to use the clay to do.

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3. A true encounter with Jesus leads to genuine repentance.

Zacchaeus stood up and said to the Lord, “Look, Lord! Here and now I give half of my possessions to the poor, and if I have cheated anybody out of anything, I will pay back four times the amount.
A true repentance with Jesus always leads to genuine repentance. Whenever, you receive the Good news of the Gospel, do not harden your heart. Repent and let go of anything that will take you back to the darkness you are coming from. To ministers of the Gospel, always take a look at your congregation. Do your sermons lead the people to genuine repentance or does it lead them into deeper levels of worldliness? Does the average member of your church look and act better after attending your services for 6 months or are they worse? Your work on earth is to ensure people encounter Jesus and are led to genuine repentance. Pray not to labour in vain. May the Good God give us His Grace to start and finish strong, in the name of Jesus, Amen.

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Read more: 3 Lessons To Learn From Jesus And The Tax Collector
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