If you feel like you’ve been living at the bottom of the barrel, struggling to make ends meet, putting things back on the shelf at the grocery store, and praying you’ll have enough just to pay your bills—you aren’t living the life Jesus died to give you!
Throughout the Bible, God is clear—His plan for His children is abundance. Just look at how often He refers to finances. There are approximately 500 references to faith and 500 references to prayer in the Bible. How many references are made to finances? 2,000!
God wants you to prosper. And He wants you to know how to achieve wealth properly and handle it wisely. When Christians prosper, the whole world stands to prosper!
Part of becoming a prosperous Christian is learning to speak faith. In this case—speak the components of a prosperous believer as seen in Psalm 112 and 2 Corinthians 9—it’s the profile you want to fit!
This person is one who thinks, acts and lives in a very specific way. He lives differently than everyone else—and he talks differently than anyone else. You won’t hear a prosperous Christian complaining about the economy, speaking debt, layoffs, doom and gloom. No. A prosperous Christian is solid in knowing the Source of all good and abundance—God.
He doesn’t fear, he doesn’t worry, he doesn’t think about money all the time. He is secure, at rest and trusting in God—and not because he is already prosperous, but because that’s how he arrived in that place to begin with.
If you spend a lot of time with negative people who speak poverty, you’re probably stuck on the merry-go-round of thinking poverty and receiving poverty yourself. If that’s true, it’s time to get off that merry-go-round and join a different group—the faith group!
When you spend time with prosperous, faith-filled believers, you’ll start seeing things the way they do. You’ll start speaking the way they do. You’ll start believing the way they do. They’ll influence you for good.
You can begin changing how you think and speak today! Here is the confession of a prosperous Christian you can speak in faith—expecting results.
I declare that I am a child of God, and He loves me. My God supplies all my needs according to His riches in glory. It is His will that I prosper in every area of my life—lacking nothing. Whatever I do prospers and succeeds because He said He would make it so. Because I fear (reverence) the Lord and delight in God’s commands, my descendants are mighty in love, faith and power in the earth. My family is blessed. Wealth and riches are in my house. I have right-standing with God forever. I have light (revelation, wisdom and understanding) in the darkness. I am gracious and full of compassion. I am not shaken by circumstances, and I am not afraid, because I trust the Lord in all things. I am a very generous person—I give to the poor as God has commanded, and I am always ready and willing to give. I am a tither and a sower! And because of this, He causes me to have all sufficiency in all things all the time. My relationship with God will be remembered with honor. I am blessed so I can bless others. I am a prosperous Christian!
Faith is rising! Let it keep coming until it boils over!
When you consistently speak the Word of God in faith over your life and circumstances, you will move closer to living a life of prosperity. Remember—it is God’s will for you to prosper. Keep speaking. Keep believing. Keep standing. Your abundance is here. Live in it, walk in it and enjoy it. Don’t settle for less!